Curriculum Order 2022

  • Remember that the Church provides one print copy of Come Follow Me - For Individuals and Families to each active household in the Ward, so only request additional copies if they are needed for use in your organization.

  • Magazines

    We can pay for print copies of the magazines for: Newly baptized members (a one-year subscription). Youth and children who attend church without a parent or guardian. Please estimate the amounts you'll need for your organization below.

Information you provide here will be used for Kingsport Ward communications only. It will be shared only with Quorum and Auxilliary Presidencies to which you belong. If at any time you wish to request that this information be changed or removed, or if you feel your information is being used in a way that is not consistent with these guidelines, please email

This is an informational page for the use of the Kingsport Ward. It is not an official page of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.